Congratulations – you got the job! You’re excited, relieved to have survived the interview, and are looking forward to bringing home those paychecks. The first 90 days in any new job is a training period where you’ll learn the nuances of your new employer, familiarize yourself with your new role and responsibilities, and generally acclimate to your new home away from home. Here are some do’s and don’ts to set yourself up for success in those first 90 days in your new job.
Show up every day on time
Common sense tells us that this is a no-brainer, right? And yet, we can’t drill this point home enough. They’re paying you to be there, and they want to pay you for a full shift, not 3/4 of a shift. Obviously, if you’re severely ill, that cannot be avoided and is completely understood, but the first 90 days are not a good time to call in sick because of March Madness. Remember that they’re keeping a close eye on you at the beginning, so it’s important to exceed expectations and remind them you’re a good hire.
Smell nice
Seriously! Be mindful of your hygiene, especially if you work in close proximity with others. Don’t be known as the smelly one! Take regular showers, use deodorant (especially in the summer), brush your teeth, and wear freshly laundered clothes that don’t smell like last night’s dinner. Conversely, don’t be the person who smells like they bathed in a tub of strong cologne or perfume. A little goes a long way!
Don’t use your cell phone
Most companies have cell phone policies that you should adhere to. They want you to be focused on your job, not checking out every few minutes to answer your phone or text. If you find yourself in the midst of a family emergency, notify your supervisor and ask if it’s okay to make a call.
Be engaged
You can’t impress your supervisors with all your hard work if you’re taking frequent, long breaks! Be present so you can show you’re focused on your job and eager for more opportunities and responsibility.
Be safe
Your company relies on workers who follow the rules and make safe decisions. They’re protecting you and themselves—from lawsuits, higher insurance premiums, and even safety violations. Show that you’re a team player by recognizing the importance of maintaining a safe workplace. Wear earplugs, protective eye wear, and/or whatever your company requires. Protect yourself, your co-workers, and your company. Safety looks good on ya!
Be friendly and helpful
Build relationships with those around you. Have lunch or take a coffee break with them. Develop a reputation of being trustworthy, hardworking, and reliable. Follow through on commitments, show initiative, and offer to help out when you can. Be the “go to” person that co-workers grow to depend upon.
Be polite and respectful
As you make friends, remember you’re at work and you’re a professional. Don’t tell inappropriate jokes (even if your coworkers are). Keep your language and behavior clean and respectful!
Be ready to learn
There are lots of moving parts in any organization, so familiarize yourself with as much as you can. Understand the whole business, what each department does and how they work together. If you understand the bigger picture, you’ll become a valued decision maker regardless of your title.