We understand that job searches can be frustrating! Depending on the job market and your target industry, it might take some time before you find exactly what you’re looking for. In the meantime, why not consider taking a temporary position? Here are six reasons why a temp job is a great idea.
Staffing agencies have good jobs to fill
Employers are looking for temporary or part-time workers to fill voids in their companies. Staffing agencies are more adept at knowing those types of openings, so it helps if you contact a staffing coordinator that can match you with the style of work you’d like to do with the skills you already have.
Cash in your pocket
The longer you go without work, the more bills and expenses will pile up. A temporary gig will help keep your bills paid, and is also a great way to prevent you from having to explain a lengthy gap on your resume during any future interviews. Think about it: hiring managers and future bosses will be impressed you were willing to stay employed at the same time you worked hard to find a full-time job.
You stay motivated
One of the hardest and perhaps most underrated parts of searching for work is the sense of restlessness and hopelessness you might feel. Employment helps to break that cycle. You keep your momentum going, and you add stability, routine and a sense of purpose to your life.
You try out a variety of skills
It’s great if you can temp in your ideal industry! Think of all the new skills and responsibilities you’re exposing yourself to! Most of these skills might be transferable to different fields, but if not, your diverse experience will be really impressive to your future employers. Or at least, great conversation topics.
They’re a great way to network
You never know who you might meet in the context of your temporary job. Maybe you meet a hiring manager at another company, or a co-worker refers you to a cousin who’s about to launch a startup and is looking to hire. If nothing else, you’ll leave with some solid references from individuals who were impressed by your diligence and enthusiasm.
They can lead to permanent positions
Your goal should be to make yourself indispensable to your temporary co-workers with a positive, eager attitude and the willingness to take on additional responsibilities. Most companies even use temp positions as a way to test out potential employees, so put your best foot forward so you can earn that long-term full-time job you’ve been looking for!
For more information on how to land your dream job, check out our blog at https://www.wsitalent.com/category/blog/